Sascha Sartory
Produktdesigner / Möbeldesigner / Industriedesigner aus Köln

Sascha Sartory

Über Sascha Sartory

Motivated by the goal to create long lasting, high quality products for individual living, industrial designer Sascha Sartory develops new product solutions in his design studio in Cologne, Germany. After his studies in product- and industrial design at the University of Applied Science Aachen (Diploma I in 2004) and University Wuppertal (Diploma II in 2007) he worked for different design agencies where he learned how to combine latest technologies, trends and materials to create new and innovative consumer products. Since 2009 he works as an independent designer as well as he is co-founder and part of the FORMFUSION Produktdesign team, together with industrial designer Sebastian Hoek.

“A good product is emotional, functional and timeless.”

Fascinated by surprising details his focus goes towards designing products that provide sustainability by using high quality materials in a smart and durable construction. First and foremost every object should not only solve a problem but also create an emotional bond to its consumer. Sascha Sartory cooperates with different international furniture and accessory companies throughout Europe.


Produktdesigner / Möbeldesigner / Industriedesigner aus Köln
Anschrift Sascha Sartory

D-51069 Köln
Ansprechpartner Sascha Sartory
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
17.12.2014 (aktualisiert )

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