Julius Kaiser
Motiondesign und Animation


Über Julius Kaiser

I am a freelance 3D/2D motion designer, based in Germany, available for global collaborations.

I love being able to manipulate every bit of a frame to perfect the final result. Getting new things done and improving my skills fulfills my aim to create innovative visuals.

I am focused on working with a wide range of tools including Cinema 4D, Octane and the whole adobe suite.

Available for remote 3D/2D animation, design and visualisation.


Motiondesign und Animation
Anschrift Julius Kaiser

D-01129 Dresden
Ansprechpartner Julius Kaiser
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
E-Mail contact@jukamotiondesign.com
Web www.jukamotiondesign.com
13.01.2019 (aktualisiert )

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