- Call for Application 2017 – New space in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg available from 15th September 2017**
We are opening a new place in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, street front, big windows, high ceilings, really good connected with U2, M1 and S-Bahn. We are looking for creative people that need a place to work. The call is open to artists, designers, stylists, photographers but also to people are looking for a desk. The main room (40qm) can also be adapted to co-work (ground plan in attachment).
It is not possible to live in the studio. Prices start from 180€ including electricity, heating, Wi-Fi, insurance and taxes like GEZ and GEMA. A deposit is asked and will be refunded at the end of the lease or is charged against any expenses incurred for final cleaning and redecoration of the studio, if required.
Events, workshops, classes and pop-up are welcome.
Deadline: Friday, 01.09.2017 at 12:00 Uhr – Please send your application on PDF including your CV or / and a link to your website or up to 5 images representative of your work to SNUD: this.is.snud (AT) gmail.com