Alexander Zoebisch

  • Germany’s Next Topmodel – GNTM 2020 – ProSieben Printdesign/Illustration Heidi Klum
  • „Truckerbabes“ Plakatentwurf, Kabel1- Illustration
  • storyboard Luke Mockridge Sat.1
  • The Voice of Germany – Storyboard
  • „Bully Buddy“ – trailer/teaser – storyboard, Idee und Konzept
  • cars disney storyboard
  • „geh wählen“ -tv werbespot storyboard
  • head`n`ships
  • painting
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procreate, Photoshop, watercolours, digital painting

Germany’s Next Topmodel – GNTM 2020 – ProSieben Printdesign/Illustration Heidi Klum
copyright starjump entertainment
„Truckerbabes“ Plakatentwurf, Kabel1- Illustration
copyright starjump entertainment
storyboard Luke Mockridge Sat.1
copyright starjump entertainment
The Voice of Germany – Storyboard
copyright starjump entertainment
„Bully Buddy“ – trailer/teaser – storyboard, Idee und Konzept
copyright starjump entertainment
cars disney storyboard
copyright starjump entertainment
„geh wählen“ -tv werbespot storyboard
copyright starjump entertainment
copyright starjump entertainment
copyright starjump entertainment

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