Professional Works
Melanie Kolb

  • Consumables concepts
  • Catreats consumables.
  • Collection of different Consumables Ive done for the game
  • Character creation for the game.
  • Display of different Characteres from the game
  • Cat concepts I created to see in which direction we would like to go for the special cats.
  • The creation from conept, to 3d model and based on that to the final 2D image. 3D made by the 3D Artist.
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Artwork I have done for the game CatRescueStory for the company TIVOLA.

Consumables concepts
Catreats consumables.
Collection of different Consumables Ive done for the game
Character creation for the game.
Display of different Characteres from the game
Cat concepts I created to see in which direction we would like to go for the special cats.
The creation from conept, to 3d model and based on that to the final 2D image. 3D made by the 3D Artist.

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