Dominic Blewett


A child being measured at a health clinic sponsored by UNICEF
UNICEF/Dominic Blewett

  • A child being measured at a health clinic sponsored by UNICEF
  • Drug Use
  • A child being given vitamin supplements at a health clinic sponsored by UNICEF
  • Local boys after swimming in a stream on the Mekong Delta
  • A child being weighed at a health clinic sponsored by UNICEF
  • A girl enjoys a meal cooked for her at a children’s centre in Saigon, Vietnam.
  • A young girl learning to write Vietnamese at a children’s shelter in Saigon, Vietnam.
  • Doctors with vitamin supplements at a health clinic sponsored by UNICEF
  • A young girl wearing a helmet in rush hour traffic in Saigon, Vietnam.
  • Risk of Drowning
  • A child being fed at a nutrition support group meeting sponsored by UNICEF
  • A child has a health check at a health clinic sponsored by UNICEF
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These photos were taken on assignment with UNICEF in Vietnam. I had the good fortune to work with them on a number of occasions, documenting their projects in the field, on a range of topics including: health, nutrition, drug use, education, road safety, child labour and disability.
