BA Dan Wesker I’m a trained photographer, but a bit of an all rounder. On my rounds I’ve learnt photoshop, In Design, ran a gallery and now… RSS ProfilEinträgeNetzwerkKontakt Akademischer Grad BA Branchen Architekturfotografen Modefotografen/People-Fotografen Porträtfotografen Still-Fotografen/Produktfotografen Sprecher Impressum Werkschau A selecton of product photos8 Bilder Über BA Dan Wesker 2013-present—Visiting lecturer in photography at Mittweida university of Applied sciences2012-present—Presenter of ‘The Brit Parade’ for DETEKTOR FM radio2012 Currently based in Leipzig, Germany, working freelance as, photographer/journalist and voice over artist2007 ‘ English News’ reader for Radio Sputnik2002.2006 Freelance photographer/voiceover artist based in Leipzig2001 launch of ITCHYKOO Photography, Leipzig,Germany.2002-2003 Director of Lichtung Gallery. Leipzig, Germany.1993.2000 Co-director of Wesker & Rucker Photography. Leipzig, Germany. 1988.1992 Freelance photographer & exhibiting artist. Based in London. PhotoshopIn DesignGarage Band Kontakt I’m a trained photographer, but a bit of an all rounder. On my rounds I’ve learnt photoshop, In Design, ran a gallery and now do voice-over work, (for the last ten years), and teach photography at the University of Mittweida for the last three. Anschrift BA Dan Wesker D-04105 LeipzigDeutschland Ansprechpartner Dan Wesker Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht E-Mail Information nur im Netzwerk Profiladresse Web Ruf Funk 19.03.2016 Netzwerk von BA Dan Wesker Noch keine Kontakte In mein Netzwerk einladen… Siehe auch Fotografen in Leipzig (Deutschland) Teilen Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Per E-Mail weitersagen