Three metres high, two metres wide. The look through the window does not show the hustle and bustle of the city – in the Dürnitz of State Museum Baden-Württemberg things are twisted. On a screen mounted inside an excavated Gothic window, the viewer travels through the history of south-west Germany – from reindeer hunting in the Palaeolithic Age to a Celtic settlement, from the Roman Limes to the Middle Ages, from the Thirty Years’ War to Industrialisation. 14 moving scenes welcome the visitor in the entrance hall of the Stuttgart museum.
5 min. / HD / 2:3 / Colour
Concept, Directing und Production: Chris Roemer, Julius Schmitt Animation: Chris Roemer Illustration: Chris Roemer, KIM&HIM Photography: Simon Sommer
Die Geschichte Südwestdeutschlands | Landesmuseum Württemberg
Carlo GbR
Die Geschichte Südwestdeutschlands | Landesmuseum Württemberg
Carlo GbR
Die Geschichte Südwestdeutschlands | Landesmuseum Württemberg
Carlo GbR
Die Geschichte Südwestdeutschlands | Landesmuseum Württemberg
Carlo GbR
Die Geschichte Südwestdeutschlands | Landesmuseum Württemberg
Carlo GbR
Die Geschichte Südwestdeutschlands | Landesmuseum Württemberg
Carlo GbR